Strategic Leadership Team

Our Strategic Leadership Team members are set out below. Details of pay can be found in the Staff Pay and Grading Structure and Senior Officer Salaries information within the Transparency section of the York and North Yorkshire Office for Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning (OPFCC)’s website.

EnableNY is a formal collaboration that brings together some of the business support functions for North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. Read more about enableNY on the York and North Yorkshire Office for Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning (OPFCC)’s website

To contact the Strategic Leadership Team please email

Chief Fire Officer Jonathan Dyson

Chief Fire Officer

Read Bio

Deputy Chief Fire Officer Mathew Walker

Deputy Chief Fire Officer of Service Delivery

Read Bio

Area Manager Damian Henderson

Director of Service Improvement and Assurance

Read Bio

Area Manager Tom Hirst

Director of Community Risk and Resilience

Read Bio

Area Manager Ben Illsley

Director of Emergency Response and Training

Read Bio

Lisa Stitt

Assistant Chief Officer (enableNY)

Read Bio

Charlie French

Director of Service Design and Delivery

Read Bio

Organisation Chart


  • Chief Fire Officer Jonathan Dyson
  • Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Mat Walker
  • Assistant Chief Officer for enableNY Lisa Stitt
  • Area Manager Director of Service Improvement and Assurance Damian Henderson
    • Group Manager – Operational Assurance Mark Naylor
    • Group Manager – Service Improvement Euan Long
  •  Area Manager Director of Emergency Response and Training Ben Illsley
    • Group Manager – Craven and Harrogate District Any Creasey (Temporary)
    • Group Manager – Hambleton and Richmondshire District Bob Hoskins (Temporary)
    • Group Manager – Scarborough and Ryedale District Marc Warren
    • Group Manager – York and Selby District Tony Peel
    • Group Manager – Operational Training Jens Archer (Temporary)
  • Area Manager Director of Community Risk and Resilience Tom Hirst
    • Group Manager – Protection and Risk Pete Gregory
    • Head of Prevention and Early Intervention Vicky Coe
    • Group Manager – Response and Resilience James Manning
  • Director of Service Design and Delivery Charlie French
