On-call firefighters are trained firefighters who, rather than being based at a fire station, provide on-call cover from home and/or their place of work.

On-call firefighters declare the periods in a week when they are available to respond to emergencies if called upon. During these times they must remain within approximately four minutes travel time of their fire station to provide a response (as they travel to the fire station where they then travel to the emergency in a fire service vehicle e.g. a fire engine.) There is some flexibility within the travel time so if you’re outside of the 4 minutes please email talent&development@northyorkshire.police.uk

They also attend a training evening at their station one night a week.

You can also watch some videos from some On-call firefighters on the national on call firefighter recruitment website 

If you’re interested in applying please visit our On-Call Firefighters vacancies page
