The North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority produces a fire and rescue plan which sets out the mission, visions and priorities for the Service.

2022-2025 Fire and Rescue Plan

View the 2022-2025 Fire and Rescue plan on the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s website.

Find out more

Our mission

Helping you be safe and feel safe in North Yorkshire.

Our Vision

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service will be an exemplary local service.

Our Priorities

We care

Caring about the vulnerable to provide services that will best protect the most vulnerable people in our community and in doing so, make them safer
Ambitious Collaboration to maximise opportunities to work jointly with partners and to provide a more effective, efficient and proactive community safety service
Realising our potential to create an inclusive work environment and a positive, supporting culture where we provide our people with the equipment, IT, training, skills, and capacity to effectively prevent and respond to incidents
Enhancing our service to the public to increase trust and public confidence in our Service, involving, engaging and consulting our communities on the services we provide and delivering the best possible service

Our Strategic Framework sets our Purpose which is

To reduce risk and vulnerability as a progressive, people centred Service, embedded at the heart of the community

Under this we have 5 pillars of strategic focus;

  1. Digital and Data
  2. Continuous improvement and sustainability
  3. Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Culture (Public Confidence)
  4. People and Inclusive leadership
  5. Collaboration

Core Code of Ethics for Fire and Rescue Services

The national Core Code of Ethics for Fire and Rescue Services are our ethical principles.

The Core Code sets out five ethical principles, based on the Seven Principles of Public Life, which alongside the accompanying guidance provides a basis for promoting good behaviour and challenging inappropriate behaviour.

  • Putting our communities first – we put the interest of the public, the community and service users first.
  • Integrity – we act with integrity including being open, honest and consistent in everything we do.
  • Dignity and respect – making decisions objectively based on evidence, without discrimination or bias.
  • Leadership – we are all positive role models, always demonstrating flexibility and resilient leadership. We are all accountable for everything we do and challenge all behaviour that falls short of the highest standards.
  • Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) – We continually recognise and promote the value of EDI both within the FRSs and the wider communities in which we serve. We stand against all forms of discrimination, create equal opportunities, promote equality, foster good relations, and celebrate difference

View the Core Code of Ethics on the National Fire Chiefs Council website
