Here you will find details of incidents we have attended. During busy times it might not be possible for us to do this incident round-up

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

1st July 2024

Day Shift Incident summary – Day shift – 01 July, 2024
Night Shift Incident Summary – Sunday Night shift, 30th June 2024

30th June 2024

Day Shift Incident Summary – Day Shift, Sunday 30th June
Night Shift Incident Summary – Saturday Nightshift, 29th June 2024

29th June 2024

Day Shift Incident Summary – 29th June 2024, Day Shift
Night Shift Incident summary – Night shift Friday 28th June

28th June 2024

Day Shift Incident Summary – 28th June 2024, Day Shift
Night Shift Incident summary – Night shift Thursday 27th June

27th June 2024

Day Shift Incident Summary – Wednesday Dayshift, 27th June 2024
Day Shift Incident Summary Night Shift Wednesday 26th June