Information for Businesses that are reopening
With many businesses now reopening we have produced some advice and guidance to help make sure they keep people safe from fire.
Some of the key points are below:
1. It’s really important that you review your fire risk assessment and take into account any changes you’ve made to staffing numbers or for social distancing.
2. If you’ve introduced measures for social distancing, you must make sure they don’t impact on people being able to escape the building if there’s a fire.
3. Make sure all your staff, including temporary workers, know what to do if a fire breaks out.
There’s lots more information on our website under the Business Safety section
Our Business Safety Team will also be contacting some businesses to carry out a desk based appraisal questionnaire via the telephone. This will allow us to make contact with businesses during this time to provide advice and identify areas that may need addressing.
If you require any further help or guidance our Business Safety Team are happy to help. You can contact them by calling 01609 780150 and asking for them or by completing the ‘ask us a question’ form on our website