State of the art fire appliances serving North Yorkshire
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service has taken delivery of four brand new, state of the art, ‘clean cab’ fire appliances.

One of the four new appliances. This one is destined for Scarborough
The appliances are the first of their kind for NYFRS and not only do they come with the latest design and technology to keep the communities of North Yorkshire safe, but they also have fire fighter’s health and welfare at the forefront of their design.
‘Clean cab’ design means that fire fighters’ contaminated equipment, such as clothing and breathing apparatus will be stored separately and not inside the crew area where contaminants from the scene of incidents such as smoke, soot and chemicals, can have a detrimental effect on fire fighters’ health.

One of the new clean cab appliances showing the breathing apparatus locker
In older models of appliance, fire fighters kit and clothing stays in the crew area of the cab, meaning they are sitting alongside contaminated kit that contains carcinogens and other toxicity that can cause cancer and other illnesses. With fire fighters being four times more likely to get cancer than other workers, it is vital that everything is done to protect their health from the contamination they are exposed to.

The cab interior
The four appliances were built in Scotland and arrived at NYFRS’s Transport and Logistics Hub in Thirsk to have their final checks and equipment installed before being deployed to their operational stations in Scarborough, Ripon, Tadcaster and Selby.
Dave Winspear, Director of Capabilities at North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, said: “The new appliances represent a major investment in public safety across North Yorkshire and will also help us to protect the health of our fire fighters.
“Clean cab design is one a range of measures that we take to protect crews from contaminants. Being a fire fighter has inherent risks and we must do everything we can to mitigate those risks as much as possible.”
Zoë Metcalfe, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, added: “Clean cab appliances for our fire and rescue service will help to protect the health of firefighters who are keeping our communities safe.
“It is important to recognise the health risks associated with fire exposure and therefore limiting the time our fire and rescue crew have with carcinogenic and contaminated equipment is at the forefront of this initiative.
“Thank you to everyone involved in bringing the clean cabs to North Yorkshire.”
The purchase of the appliances was part of a comprehensive fire appliance replacement project. This project is undertaken periodically to ensure NYFRS’s vehicle budget is spent efficiently and complies with procurement law. A vehicle working group was established to test the market, investigate latest technologies to enable the development of an appliance that meets the current and future risk profile of North Yorkshire.
Features of the appliances include:
- A dedicated breathing apparatus locker
- Extraction systems to remove particulates from the vehicle
- Easy clean surfaces
- Washing facilities to improve hygiene and cleanliness
- A pump capable of delivering 2,200 litres of water per minute alongside immediate foam capability
- A light portable pump that can be carried to alternative water sources in remote locations
- 400 metres of delivery hose and 110 meters of High Pressure Hose reel
- 1,800-litre water tank
- A Positive Pressure Ventilation fan to clear smoke from properties
- Battery operated cutting equipment to extract casualties as quickly and safely as possible
- Both 13.5-metre and 9-meter ladders along with a 5.8-meter roof ladder and triple extension ladder