Register my Appliance
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service supports Register My Appliance Day
Getting appliance owners on record
Supporting Register My Appliance Day on the 24 January 2019, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is keen to remind local residents to take a few minutes on to register the large appliances they rely on every day to handle essential chores, chill food and cook for their families.
With less than a third of these large white goods registered when they were purchased (average 31%[1]), many leading manufacturers are offering prize draws or incentives to encourage owners to get their older fridges, freezers, washing machines, dryers and cooking appliances on record, in case a safety repair is ever needed.
New research published today by the Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Appliances (AMDEA) has specifically looked at multiple-ownership asking where one, or up to four, of each type of appliance is in use in homes. As we don’t necessarily de-commission an old appliance when we buy a new one, this has permitted revised and more accurate estimates of the vast number of large white goods currently running in GB households.
We have become so reliant on our freezers, perhaps because they offer us the benefits of faster home cooking and less food waste, that over 2 million[2] are now owned by four-freezer households. If you are wondering who has the space, nearly one third (29%) of these households keep a freezer in the garage or shed.
The Register My Appliance web portal, is a safety initiative designed by AMDEA to make it quicker and easier to register over sixty leading brands of appliances, directly with the manufacturer. Recognising the lack of ownership information on many older products, the majority of brands offer registration of products up to at least twelve years old.
However, two thirds (67%) of people have never registered an older appliance that they may have bought a couple of years ago, found in their homes when they moved in, were given by family or friends, or bought second-hand.
Station Manager Nick Bullamore emphasises that it is never too late for this important safety precaution: “We know that appliances are kept for many years and very few people realise that they can register older models. These are the products that are most difficult to trace if a safety repair is ever needed and only their current owners can let manufacturers know that they have them. Because of this, we would recommend to everyone to take a few minutes, visit the web site, and register their appliance.”
In a small number of cases, manufacturers may identify problems with a model once the product has been in use for some time. They then need to contact owners to get the fault corrected as quickly as possible. Normally a quick in-home fix by a qualified technician will remove any risk, but it can be very difficult to trace customers, particularly if they purchased some time ago.
When respondents considered a list of nine actions that they ever take to ensure the safety of their home, making sure appliances are registered with the manufacturer rubbed along the bottom, at number eight, second only to using security cameras.
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service hope to help the local community understand why getting their appliances on record is a New Year’s resolution worth keeping.
– AMDEA is the UK trade association for manufacturers of large and small domestic appliances; representing over 85% of the domestic appliance industry and nearly 90% of white goods brands. Members’ products include most of the UK’s top selling brands of major white goods, other large and small kitchen appliances, heating, water heating, floor care, waste disposal and ventilation equipment.
– The Register My Appliance portal was designed by AMDEA to make it quicker and easier for the public to register both new and older appliances, to improve ownership data. It currently provides access to 64 leading brands. By simply clicking on the brand logo the user reaches a data entry form linked directly to the relevant manufacturer, where the vast majority accept registrations of products up to 12 years old.
[1] All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2040 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 12-13th December 2018. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).
[2] [2] AMDEA, applying the YouGov 2018 survey percentages for appliance ownership to the 27.2m households reported by the Office of National Statistics 2017